WOO~! Long time no blog! My computer is fixed. Again. No doubt only temporarily...
So nice to see got so many people updating the blog!!
Okay I just felt like spamming.
Always ah, I'll want to post something up, but then I think of all the things I want to post about, then get lazy + think of schoolwork, then will go away.
For now then, given the time constraint I will just list out the stuff I want to talk about, then if you know me enough you imagine what I'll say about it and add a lot of exclamation marks and emoticons at the end of each sentence can already.
1) The Damn Long Outing: Greatest takeaway >>> it's always best to take pictures around people who know better. Learnt a lot! Thanks to the patient alumni (Jun Sen, XingQuan, Kingston, Chee Howe, and, albeit briefly, Eunice). Was quite tired. Discovered my partiality towards female company (don't ask).
Experienced film = A very interesting situation whereby I had both a Canon and a Nikon camera around my neck. Used the 20D to MAKE SURE the settings were okay and the exposure was right before I used my F65 to take the shot.
V. tiring, but I hope it's worth it. Chin Chye was right man! He told me that one of the factors that detered him from using film for photography was that he couldn't stand the suspense, the way one can't preview the image one just took.
Speaking of film, Eunice gave me a roll of Velvia!!! (For the uninitiated, Velvia is film that costs about $11.50. The one she gave me was ISO 50 I think. [haha I feel so pro, but actually I just learned that last friday]) ZOMG SO SCARY!!! EVERYTIME I DEPRESSED THE BLACK BUTTON IT WAS WITH TREPIDATION AND AWE. An experience that... I think I can only describe with: U~U (thank you Eunice!!)
2) Last week's club meeting: fun!! Got to know many people. Eg. Karishma doesn't like movies (collective gasp there) and Ms Koh shared some interesting experiences taking photos (like, never wear a heeled Ferragamo when trying to get that shot).
The meeting ended with everyone punching the air and saying PHOTOG! *smiles*
3) Last last friday, tried to take photos for the unofficial theme of 'Parody'. Stacked up some chairs and tables, subjected a few stuffed toys to... awkward positions, but otherwise it was a fairly uneventful shoot.
Thanks to Zhenghui and Hilma for accompanying me for a while!!! Then just as I was taking my 'last shot' and wanted to give up, hohoho! Phoebe joined in~! We had a lot of fun, and I really really want to upload the photos but don't have card reader. :(
By the way, '"Abandoned pets, irresponsible pet owners, abused animals, we're all heard stories, seen photos and have empathised with them. But what about those closest to our childhood selves? Those who indulged our imaginations and many a times absorbed our tears.
Here's a tribute to those we left behind, together with our innocence, in our inescapable journey to maturity..."
This is the introduction paragraph for the photo essay parody. Need nice photos of 'abandoned' soft toys... 3 will be selected and published in the next issue of Musings, another 3 hopefully in the issue after that.'
4) Last Friday, me, Zheng Hui, Eunice and Shirleen went to IKEA and learned how to pronounce 'IKEA'. Other than that, we didn't really do much.
That's the name of the corkboard we got for the clubroom!!! He's very nice. He's Chris because the designer named the design Chris and it was quite becoming of him so we retained it. And I ate a DAIM cake!!! Daim is toffee centred chocolate that is to die for. Needless to say, I LOVE DAIM!!
5) Have enlisted the help of Chin Chye for the set up of my Singapore and Naked shot. In construction, to be continued, and top secret... Wait till you see it. *drums fingertips together*
Apologies for the digression.
Vicky fail! Was not supposed to type so much. Was supposed to work on homework. Have a geography assignment not done that was due... in May.