i was quite excited when i read the ST yesterday and it said that there'll be an article in digital life today on macro photography so i went to get the papers and flipped flipped until page 25 and it read, "most COMPACT cameras have a macro mode"
so anyway, even before this article, i borrowed my girlfriend's 100mm macro f/2.8 and tried some macro shots. no no no, no butterflies or dragonflies la! they zhioop here zhioop there so fast i couldn't catch =(
i think you need:
1. macro lens some people say tele also can...
2. insects/animals that are still (hummingbird that kind will be v difficult)
3. tripod
4. if shooting plants, best if there is no wind. got wind sure blur one
5. cable release if u want to minimise movement
6. a lot of patience and some luck: sometimes u wait wait wait until hair turned white also got no insect LOL
7. to open your eyes big big O.O to spot something "shoot-able"
8. i find having a spray bottle handy to create the "dew" look
here are some shots i took, editted with LR2:
this tiny froggy (about 10c size) was in a position that i can only shoot from the top (unless i got qing gong and can do the "dragonfly skips on water" kungfu) and i didn't dare to go v near cos i was scared he would jump!)
this snail (about a 5c coin size) was crawling vvvv slowly by the pond...
my best find was probably this tiny (about the size of a cooked rice grain) green grasshopper on a red leaf =) it was v guai, v co-operative, stayed there for me to shoot shoot shoot =)
k, for flowers, i cheated. i picked them and brought them indoors to shoot so that there won't be wind =P
small yellow flower
lotus bud (er, this was from a bouquet i received)
small red flower (i didn't pluck this, i shot it on the bush)
i also did two "product shots" using a 5ml bottle of perfume (free gift, about 50c coin size). i didn't have sophisticated studio lighting (a la jin bei) and backdrop. just draped a black satin bath-robe over an arm chair and used natural lighting so the effect may not be as good.
no animals were harmed during the course of the shoot =) the frog was left alone, the snail i believe reached its destination the next day and the grasshopper... i left the leaf by the side then it hopped away lor ^^