Friday, April 30, 2010

Royston Tan @ MJC

=))) what a happening afternoon we had... ok, the photos aren't great here cos of the unpredictable and psychedelic lighting but for those who missed it, the JC1 H1 Chinese students had a very happening afternoon @ LT4 today!! ^^


it's an event organised by Intrique – Mother Tongue Enrichment Programme - entitled: "Of Getais, Memories and Chinese Language"

yeah... so soon hao, joel, tiffany and I waited outside the LT armed with our cams, ready to paparazzi him when he arrives... we waited... waited... and waited... and i thought... wa, what's taking him so long???... then i asked a chinese teacher who happened to come out of the LT...

me: hi hi, is he arriving soon? ^^
CT: (in her very spiak chinese) he is already inside! he went in by the back door!

soon hao, tiffany, joel and me: ha???? -_________-||| diao....

we were gong gong-ly waiting outside!!! *slap forehead* so we quickly went in by the back door...

royston tan started off by sharing his thoughts about movies, in particular, his inspirations etc.

i cried when i watched the last short film (ssshhh... it has not been released yet! MJC students got a special preview!!) *SOBS*

then before he announced the arrival of his special guest, the chinese teachers started giving out fluorescent light sticks and suddenly LIU LING LING appeared in all her getai splendour amidst cheering and cat calls!!! so exciting!

so the entire LT was transformed into a getai stage and liu ling ling wow-ed the crowd with her stellar performance (i can understand hokkien) of getai hits, her warm personality and ease with which she connected with the audience.

she is hilarious... she introduced herself...

LLL: Hello everybody, my name is Lau Ling Ling, my father is Lau Kok Kok, my mother is Lau Char Bor!


then she said she is Lady Mama... LOL

she changed into her sailor-moon outfit ON STAGE!!! seriously... she demonstrated how getai performers change backstage by slipping out of her gown and stepping into her sailor-moon dress ON STAGE! bravo....!

and gave out posters to two lucky MJCians, both of whom got a hug from her... so sweet ^^

and of cos, our Ms Lai presented Royston Tan with a token of appreciation and LLL with a bouquet...

LLL: wa! your principal's figure is much nicer than mine!

hahaha... MJCians cheonging for photos and one final group shot!

Ms Lai, Mrs Pang and director Tan having a post-event chat...

Thanks to the Mother Tongue dept, we had a happening afternoon! ^^

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Minor updates from the Alumni


First and foremost, congratulations to the new photog exco on making it so might think it has been a rough ride.. but you have only gotten to the start line. Many trials and tribulations await you and I, on behalf of the Alumni wish you all the best in fulfilling your goals and make all of us proud.^^

Also! Congratulation to the outgoing exco on making it to the finishing line.. I know it has been a tough year for you guys.. many things have happened but I'm sure you all have emerged stronger as a result of your experiences. I hope you all have found your exco experience fulfilling. I think being in exco isn't so much about what you have achieved, but more of how you have discovered yourself as a person. How you work and how others work; your own weaknesses and other's weaknesses and how to cover up for each other and improving synergy. These lessons you have learnt will come in useful in the future when you start climbing the ranks of the corporate ladder and will give you an advantage when compared to others who are still stumbling over the mistakes you have made in the past. As for your photography, I hope you all will continue to shoot and improve your skills. There is a whole world out there waiting to be shot.^^ To Shruthi: You seem to be rather unhappy with me and I don't know why. Do let me know because there is no point in letting things hang midair :)

To all 09/10 members, you are all invited to join the Alumni, however no one is forcing you to join though^^. However, if you felt that through your seniors, photography has made a difference in your life, then perhaps you should join the Alumni and make the same change in your junior's life^^. In case you all didn't already know, all official correspondence from the Alumni exco will be via the blog. So we hope you will continue visiting the blog daily and keep the page counts high and make dear Quentin one happy webmaster^^.

Talking about Alumni, in case you still don't know, the alumni will be holding an exhibition during College day and the theme this year will be "Editing Required". Entry submission will open in June and is open to ALL members and Alumni and editing is required...:P E-lesson will be up as soon as our dear VP is done with his exams and we look forward to your outstanding entries^^.

I know some of you believe Lomography's method is in itself an sacred art and should not be fouled by the vile fingerprints known as digital editing and want to prove your point. I would sincerely like support you in your honorable quest to expound your ideals and extend my resources to you by giving out free expired 35mm a.k.a 135 format slide film and offering free 120/135 format film scanning. Contact me if you are interested and expired slide film is on a while stock last basis. 1 roll per person so no need for cat fights in front of my front door:P..^^. Ohh, in any case, free film scanning will be available all year round to all members and Alumni for non-commercial purposes. Lomo camera not included.

To those of you looking to borrow a lomo camera, you can try asking Mr T via PPC. Though I wonder if he will loan out his precious action sampler..hehe.. or you can try asking Ms Koh to lend you her Seagull.. it has a foggy communistic lens; a prerequsite for lomography:P.

Some of you might be curious as to why am I offering this service for free... I believe that if you seriously want to improve your photography skills, film photography is an option that can further improve your skills as it will ground, grind and mince you in your photography fundamentals and literally force you to think before you shoot. All the better photographers in our club are testaments to my theory; Eunice, Junsen, Xing Quan, Chin Chye and perhaps a few more that I have missed out... However, I must admit that film photography is becoming more and more expensive as the years goes by.. With popularity of digital photography, film has scaled down, and with the lack of economies of scales, prices have been rising steadily. However, this still doesn't change the fact that film photography can improve your skills greatly. I'll do a simple breakdown of the costs for you: Negative film costs $3-$6 depending on the brand and type, slide film costs anywhere from $8-$15. Developement will set you back another $6 and no point just looking at that tiny frame of yours. To get your image from film to screen, you need to scan the film and that costs easily $15 if you go to a lab to do it. All together, it will cost you anywhere between $24-$36 per roll and each roll has only 36 frames. That's almost $1 per shot! So by eliminating the scanning cost, you can save up to 62.5% of the costs!! So with this, I hope more of you will be more adventurous and dare to enter the realm of film photography.

Anyways, that is all I have to say for now..^^

Monday, April 26, 2010

Few more days

With just 1 week till we step down, whatever we have done have been running through my mind. I am gonna miss everything. I mean yeah I'm still gonna meet everyone from the CCA around school, but the feeling is different. No more late nights at the clubroom, no more singing wrong lyrics while being made fun of by Erfi, no more complaining of hunger and filled bladders, no more going on about how Chin Yee is cute, no more ''WHO THINKS CHIN YEE IS CUTE RAISE UP YOURS HANDS'', no more eh order macs? SET AH, no more being chased out by the security guard, in other words the end of Exco 09/10 is nearing. I never, I say NEVER, would have thought I would actually be sad that we are done/leaving the club. Just 1 month ago, I had enough of everything and was waiting for this time to arrive, now its the opposite. I guess what Elliot said is right, I am gonna miss this.

All of it.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Time passes by fast, and it has been 2 weeks since i last posted my photo here (excluding those camp photos). Anyway, here's the second picture i have to share with all of you..


To the J1's: Have fun with your PI.

P.S. Since Kingston mentioned it during the rally this wednesday, the A Photo A Week forum is located right here.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bored @ the photography club room

Wednesday morning, they are printing canteen photos. I'm bored.
Today is the rally speeches, its gonna be exciting, lets see what happens!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Interview Dates

Hello J1s applying to be part of the new exco, aka EXCO 10/11
Here are the timings for your interviews.
Each interview lasts 10 mins, and yes, knowing every human being's 10 mins = around 15 mins or so, but hopefully we will try to finish 10 mins each. Please be on time, please come in early like around 5.05 as we also need help in some stuff. Thanks and good luck.
Any questions? ASK ME.

5.10 Wan Jing
5.20 Sharon
5.30 Ronald
5.40 Jia Yi
5.50 Vanessa
6.00 Jinni
6.10 Shawn
6.20 Natalie
6.30 Dalia
6.40 Wendy

5.10 Anisah
5.20 Chester
5.30 Jun Xian
5.40 Farhan
5.50 Kymberly
6.00 Rebecca
6.10 Jana
6.20 Atikah
6.30 Tiffany
6.40 Chao Yang

-Shruthi, your soon to be ex-president :D

Monday, April 12, 2010

Camp Exposure Photos

Hello everyone! I know you all have been waiting really long (around 48 hours) for this post, so here it is. My apologies for the delay, cos Facebook and Blogger aren't cooperating with me yesterday (Facebook still isn't cooperating now, but since Blogger has become friendlier today, i guess i can post them here first).


You all have no idea how much hardship we went through to get these food delivered. hahas

Gen. 2 of Photog Babes?
On Studio..
Handsome sia, Soon Hao..

Light Painting

The Legendary Chopstick Warriors

Flash Photography
1st and 2nd curtain sync
Just before Shutter
Architecture photography lesson
Architecture photography practical

Nature photography
Captain Cabbage
And here's your Captain speaking..

Scissors, Paper, Stone!

The Aftermath of the game. Salad, anyone?

Lepak time..
Happy Camp Exposure! =D

Last but not least, PHOTOG! (again, i know)
