Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Lo-Fi something something

as someone who hates writing essays and has a poor command of English, you would probably spot some grammatical errors, poor sentence structure by now. but on the internet, where pirate talk and l33t speak are recognized languages on facebook, i am therefore the most qualified person to introduce this event to yer all.

let me start by introducing my friend bold
he will be asking the questions
and i will answer them

so lets start
... what on the name of the milky way is this event?
The lo-fi photography project (le lo-fi projet photographique) is the name of the 2010 alumni exhibition

... whats lo-fi photography
 style of photography generally using poor equipment, such as toy cameras or pinhole cameras, for stylistic effect (examples)

... i own a big bulky camera that only takes hi-fi photographs. so i cant participate :(
hence people at Adobe came out with PhotoShop which allows you to colour tone your photos to achieve the same effects. 

... ah i see 
of course you can!

... how many submissions will be printed?
about hundred

... but i am not alumni leh.. can i take part?
no you cant. a hefty participation fee of €1,532,789.26 (after taxes) will be imposed on all non-alumni members who want to take part

why do you always start a question with three dots? 

i thought i was the one asking the questions?
times have changed. you have been overthrown

and of course every alumni centered post ends with an alumni logo
... in 3D!!! ( 3D glasses required )