Saturday, December 3, 2011

Committing Your Life to Photography

"I climbed the Empire State building antenna 4 times . . . split my scalp on I-beam . . . lost vision in my left eye due to tremendous amount of streaming blood at 1,500′ hanging in a harness from antenna."
"The worst animals are microscopic. I rarely come home without parasites, amoebas, and worms—both internal and under the skin. It takes weeks and or months to remove them from my body with toxic medicines that are very bad for your liver."

Ever tried opening your camera bag to find a viper? How about being in a helicopter tipped over a volcano?

The Photo Society is a group of contributing photographers for the National Geographic Magazine, all with at least one feature story published in the publication. These photographers come from all sorts of backgrounds with various specialties, but simply said all they do is narrate a story through photography -- and boy do they risk everything doing it.

This way, step-by-step they make the world a better place for everyone.

Read more at The Photo Society - Reality Check.

Source: The Photo Society