Post 96
From the Forum
The Alumni is currently choosing its name! Some names:
Official Alumni Club (OAC)
Official Alumni Society (OAS)
Meridian Alumni Association (MAA)
Meridian Alumni Society (MAS)
Meridian Alumni Club (MAC)
The Meridian Photographers' Alumni (MPA)
The Meridian Photographers' Network (MPN)
The Alumni of Meridian Photographers (AMP)
The Photographers' Network (TPN)
The Alumnus Network (TAN)
The Meridian Network (TMN)
The Alumni Society (TAS)
The Alumni Club (TAC)
The Alumni Association (TAA)
Meridian Photography Club Alumni (MPCA)
Meridian Photography Club Network (MPCN)
Federation of Meridian Photographers (FMP)
Bureau of Meridian Photographers (BMP)
Department of Meridian Photographers (DMP)
Ministry of Meridian Photographers (MMP)
The Coalition of Meridian Photographers (CMP)
The Meridian Photographer Faction (MPF)
Institute of Meridian Photographers (IMP)
House of Meridian Photographers (HMP)
Meridian Photographers Agency (MPA)
Meridian Photographers Bureau (MPB)
Meridian Photographers Movement (MPM)
Meridian Photographers Institute (MPI)
The Lumière
The Alumni
The Aperture
The Shutter
The Lensmen
The Lens
The Exposè
The Battery Grip
The Dial
The CompactFlash Card
The Rubber Thingy That Covers The USB Port On The Camera
The Meridian Photographers' Trust (MPT)
The Collective of Meridian Photographers (CMP)
The Meridian Photographers' Cooperative (MPC)
The Meridian Photographers' Foundation (MPF)
The Meridian Photographers' Alliance (MPA)
Union of Meridian Photographers (UMP)
MeridianPhotoSG (MPSG)
Meridian Photographers of Singapore (MPS)
Friends of Meridian Photography Club (FMPC)
Meridian Photography Heritage (MPH)
Meridian Photography Conservancy (MPC)
Meridian Photography Conservatory (MPC)
Conservatory of Meridian Photographers (CMP)
Le Conservatoire
Just some names I thought of for now. If you like, you may suggest more. Please pick your choice, make more suggestions or just discuss about this topic at: