Post 98
Please notify those who do not read in to this blog, especially J2s. Thank you.
All members of the club are invited to join, including J1s. But please do note there will still be a vetting process to cap the number of exhibits to 30.
Hi guys and gals the exhibition dates will be as such:
exhibition period- 4th - 8th Aug 2008
submission deadline- 18 July 2008
vetting process day- 19 July 2008
period of printing and mounting- 19 July 2008 to 1 August 2008
setting up- 2 August 2008
printing of publicity posters- 19 July 2008
publicity period- 21 July 2008 to after exhibition ends
Things that the alumni will require help from the club:
-Putting up publicity posters and announcements
-Mounting boards will need to be funded by alumni. (to be discussed)
The workflow will be as such:
1. all photos to be submitted to eunice at by 18 July 2008
2. photos should be at least 5mp and above
3. include your name, class, title of photo and if possible a short description of your photo when you send it in.
4. all alumni members who would like to come down for vetting may do so on 19 July 2008, photog club room. (notify me if u are coming by sms)
5. depending on response, the number of entries exhibited will be capped at 30 entries.
6. printing of approved entries and posters will start after vetting has been completed.
7. printing and mounting will be stretched between 19 july to 1 august.
8. publicity will be done between 21 july till exhibition ends.
9. setting up of the exhibition will be done on the 2nd, after College day ends.
10. those who will be able to stay back and help, please let junsen/ chee howe know.
PPC, Ms Koh, Elliot and Vicky have been informed.
Please also note that 2nd Aug is college day so everyone in school will be hustling and bustling for college day first. We'll try to help the kiddies as much as possible in terms of printing and whatnot but workflow has been more or less settled for them.
All entries to be sent into MACINGROUCH@GMAIL.COM.
Also note that since it's college day on 2nd aug, there will be no stands available for us until the event ends that night. Those who are able to stay for to help set up, please feel free to stay back. Sorry to inform in advance that I will not be able to stay for the evening.
Junsen and Chee Howe will be put in charge of setting up the exhibition.
(PPC not sure whether there will be an exhibition for college day or not. If no, we can set up early.)