Friday, August 8, 2008

Deimos Rising > Neopets

Deimos Rising: The Reason Why We Love It

In light of the recent blasphemous claims against the Photography Club's truly favorite game, Deimos Rising, I have made this semi-serious post reminding everyone why we love it, and why we play the heck out it when we should be cutting mat boards and attending meetings.

#1: Apple

As a member of the MJC Photography Club, it is your duty to prefer Apple Macs over the standard Windows operated PC. This is not a choice. It is our obligation to bow down to the gods of Apple Computers and pay homage to its superiority, even though we don't own a Mac ourselves, and haven't really been playing around with it.

That said, Deimos Rising can only be played on the Mac, while Neopets (what a dumb name!) can be played on both the Mac and the PC. Atrocious! It's like mounting a Nikon flashgun on a Canon body, like what Angeline did the other day at College Day! What the hell! How can I stand for such utter bulls***!

Crap: Nikon Lens on Canon Body

No living person in this world shall have to survive the agony of seeing such a ridiculous disharmony to the laws of nature! If you mix Nikon and Canon, your pictures will turn up black and soot-like because the camera will explode! It's true! It's the same as playing Neopets on the Safari web browser on the Mac and then Microsh*t Internet Explorer on the PC. Stop now!

Oh wait Deimos Rising is also available on the PC?

#2: Your Photography Improves With Deimos Rising

No kidding. Look at the photos below:

This is Deimos Rising. Look at it! The luxurious greens of the trees, the coarse texture of the cliffs and asperities, juxtaposed with the destruction and chaos caused by ion cannons and bombs. The peaceful serenity of nature meeting the brutal might of war. Every scene looks like a classic James Natchwey photograph. Powerful. Poetic. Inspiring.

Look at this next:
In photography, we call this clutter. Viewers cannot understand where to look at! Their eyes are confused because every single space has something! What?! Even if you don't mind the clutter, look at the graphics! I have seen children drawings which look more realistic than the above. I think the pictures speak for themselves. Elaboration is unnecessary!

#3: The Gameplay

I have nothing against Neopets. In fact, I think it is quite a nice game, except that it's full of crap. The other day I entered the clubroom and found Zhenghui playing it on the PC. I looked at it for a while and found it pretty interesting. But when I revived the Mac from the standby mode and the first thing I saw on the screen was the Neopets page, I entered a fit of rage. It's fine when it's on the PC because it's alright to associate crap with bigger crap. But smearing the crap called Neopets on the Apple HD Studio Display is like putting too much creamer in my morning coffee. It pisses me off. And you might think that this is a reiteration of point 1, but it's not. Actually, it is, but I don't give a crap.

The gameplay of Deimos Rising is one to behold. With just the arrow keys and three more letter keys, you can save the world from the robot invasion. Not everyone can do it though. You need split-second precision and strict weaponry discipline. You need sharp eyes and even sharper fingers. It is not a game for the weak-hearted, nor the clean-mouthed. Swearing is guaranteed, and whatever expletives you kept hidden all these time inside you will come out. The last time I played Deimos Rising, I effectively utilised all known Hokkien vulgarities I have learned in the Army but never had the heart to use them.

Which is more than I can say for a crappy game like Neopets. And I'd like to repeat myself again, I have nothing against Neopets.

Just that it's full of crap.

#4: I Can Think Of Many More Reasons, But It's Late Now And I Have Stuff To Do Tomorrow

Ok! Time to use my dictator powers to issue an ultimatum.

The Alumni is glad to be of service to all members!