Presenting to you Exhibit 1:
Explanation for Exhibit 1:
Now, if we look at the above extract from the 40D manual, we can see that Canon provides a optional accessory called the Ef-S screen that is "optimized" for f/2.8 and faster lenses. What Canon means by "optimized" is really that the screen is more coarse, allowing you to view shallower DOFs
Of cos, the resulting coarser screen results in a darker viewfinder for slower lenses as mentioned in the second line.
Now, with a lil' common sense, if the ordinary focusing screen could define DOF of less than f/2.8, why in the world Canon bother to produce a more precise focusing screen?!?!
But you might say they never specifically state that in the manual and I'm just using using facts to my own advantage, but then again, no company would ever shoot themselves in their feet and state that their factory supplied focusing screen can define only up to f/2.8... I've even check the Nikon manuals, they never state that anywhere either, but non admission doesn't mean that its not true, the same idea as not guilty doesn't mean innocent.
Presenting Reference 1:
Maybe if I can't convince you, perhaps Mr. Rockwell can.. hahaha
I never really expected this issue to kick up such a fuss, maybe I guess people feel a lil' cheated when they realized that they are actually misled to think they can actually see the DOF of f/1.2 on the viewfinder, so they are kinda in denial or something to that extent. But no worries folks! cos at least your final image on your LCD screen (and incidentally Live View) will still reflect your true DOF.. hahahaha