Friday, February 5, 2010

Disagreement is a sign of ownership

Today was interesting...

I had a meeting with Shruthi and gang. We were discussing about the photography test and they disagreed with the testing. The disagreement was rather unanimous.

I was glad... Why???

Cause I believe that disagreement is a sign of ownership.

I honestly felt happy that they disagreed and had valid points for their disagreement cause it tells me that they gave some thoughts to the matter and the recruitment drive mattered to them.

I know that some among you were surprised why I did not seemed to be chiding much (based on the anecdotal evidence given by Elliot and gang). Well all I can say is that Elliot and gang have taught me some precious lessons and to end up chiding would only mean that I have not learnt from those lessons.

Thus I am glad to hear that you guys are actually putting in the effort, sometimes even beyond your call of duty, to help and cover each other's duties.

I am aware of the demands of JC2. But I believe that if you guys unite, you will be able to accomplish much.

I am encouraged!