Sunday, August 15, 2010

Who's that Boy?

Covering for events have always been part and parcel of a MJC Photographer. I could still remember my days where we "chiong" here and there to cover a event and "ponning" lessons to shoot. Those were the days where covering a event was a responsibility and a sacred task to be completed.(Even though sometimes the photos turned out rubbish) The very presence of a photographer at the event boost the ego of the participants and they know that they have to put on their very best, cos we are armed around the corners to capture the actions.

For me, covering the events is a passion. Fueled by adrenaline, I was there to soak in the atmosphere and capture the memories to prolong it in people's mind. I thought I was already a crazy Photographer who would go on and on. Then I met Chee Howe who would stop at nothing to get the photos.

Today, in the news, a young boy showed me what shooting with passion is all about. He tracked the torch relay far beyond what he have planned. Braving rain and other professional Photograhers(who might be flaming me now cos they are also going through the same shit), he shot with his small digital camera until it died on him.

Though to some, his efforts might not be a feat. But I salute him for his drive and passion at this young age to get his shots.This is what event photographers really need. To my dear Juniors, you don't have to be as crazy as Chee Howe who almost got us disqualified for Soccer finals(long story this one) but put in a little passion in your assignments and I am sure your pictures will show :)

For those who want to read about the full story, heres the link:

Till the next event, See ya :)


Happy Shooting !

-Xing Quan