Thursday, January 31, 2008


I'm currently at the club room! Yay! and before i get down to studying for tmrw's maths test and all sorts of homework and mindmaps i have to do, let me update this blog!

Today's compass lesson was so interesting, they showed this person A and B's SGC from last year's J2 batch and person A was suppose to be the lousy one, and person B was the good model SGC we all should follow. And guess what? Person B was the "vice-chairperson" of photography club! Mr Chee Howe has all sorts of funny achievements inside and he was "actively seen in as a photographer in college events"

So to all members/exco, must write alot alot alot for your SGC say whatever you think is revelant and next you know your (my) SGC might be the next model SGC haha!

Okay bye! dont forget to tag.