Thursday, May 21, 2009

My Top Ten GAAHHHH!s

Since it's been rather quiet and my chewrens seem quite stressed with schoolwork, here's something to entertain you =)

I believe some of us can relate to some of these Top Ten things that irritate me LOL things we can't really control that can spoil our pics (or we can't get our desired effect). sometimes we can work that to our advantage but at times we just sigh and trash it =P

10. Want to shoot grass etc. with motion but wait wait wait got no wind. you don't want to try to blow hard hard -.- (then bopian shoot still lor LOL)OR Want to shoot macro of flower but there's this breeze that keeps blowing (then shoot motion lor)
9. Want to shoot landscape but sky grey grey -.-
8. Sun is too strong and in the wrong direction your subjects are all in the shadow(then shoot silhouette lor. this could work well in some cases) and CANNOT see the image in the LCD screen AT ALL
7. Want to take candid shot the subjects are either v shy so cover their faces with hair/hands/programme booklet/handbag etc or are camwhores start to pose with V sign
6. At the moment you click, someone's big ass, amputated arm or decapitated head pops in (this happens a lot during sports... referees are the usual culprits. can try to crop but sometimes they just block the subject... sighs)
5. A LOT (YES! A LOT A LOT!) of flies (this happens in summer in Australia) flies in your mouth, flies in your nostrils, flies in your ear. you will breathe in and hear flies... (in this case, draping a jacket over your head will help... if need demo on how this is done, ask PPC) try to clone away that lone fly in your photo if possible.

4. There is no "No Photography" sign but you shoot already someone in uniform (like security or police) come and say "No Photography Allowed" and asks you to delete your photos. in this case, act blur, say sorry and RUN! if you use film then say sorry can't delete LOL but don't try shooting when it's not allowed la... wait get caught.
3. At the moment you click, the subject blinks. AAHHH!
2. Travel to outdoor location armed with everything (camera, lens, filters, cable release, tripod and loads of excitement) then kring krong RAIN! >.<

and the top spot goes to... *drum roll*
1. Shoot halfway mirror drop out (this one you will cry...)