continued from quent's post...
HALF of the exco was happily taking studio shots in the photog room (whose door is half blocked by the vending machine) today.
Subjects included:
gummy candies (which we all ate some), glitter hairbands, star thingys.
quent decided to take the promo shot of 'COLOURS' forming the words with his gummy sweets.
while I am disgusted at one corner,
GERM and QUENT are busy pinching those gummy sweets so that they can look like the relevant alphabets.
*after finishing taking the shot*
quent: "eh... eat the sweets ar..."
germ: "eat lor..."
quent: "ok, I eat the R"
*puts gummy into mouth*
*after sometime*
germ: "eh! he putting back those candies into the box!"
en: "EH! DON'T! oh gross... I'm not going to eat any of those I tell you..."
quent: (ignore) (went on taking photos)
quent: "Oh btw, all the gummy candies, I used it to take photos at home..."
en & germ: (look at one another...)
en & germ: .... .... ....
en: "nooooooo... ... oh my gosh..."
en: (continue screaming)
quent: "aiya, nvm, later stomachache tmr no need to come school take geog test"
germ: "right... ..."
and hereeeee...
we are proud to present to all of you our studio shots for today.
Colours 08: Photo Exhibition
25-29th Feb 2008 | MJC
mmm... its the attack of the gummy candy man!
Leaning Tower of Gummy
quent: "mmmmm... so yummmyyy..."
still craving for some gummy candies?
Xiuqi and our studio setup
-en & quent