Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Passion for Photography

"This is why I love photography. It captures the littlest moments in which we all tend to miss. Like how we always dread going to school/work early in the morning (I'm guilty) but we fail to see the brilliant shade of the sky, the annoyingly pleasant beam from the sun, and the lovely fluffy clouds above.

I love how photography freezes time. Memories tend to fade as time go by, but photographs stay stagnant and still. It reminds us and allow us to reminise. It is that that makes it so unique, special, one of a kind.

I love how I look back at my baby photos and be amazed at how much I grew, how I developed, how I celebrated my birthdays. Then I would laugh when I see a younger version of myself, with the weirdest hairdo, dunking my nose IN the creamy cake and be all overjoyed.

This is photography. It is as simple as that. You don't need a fancy camera, or a well-adored polaroid camera. As long as it captures, as long as it brings back memories, as long as it aids your memory, this is photography.
Sometimes we accidentally capture some sort of a random person in the background, then we re-take the shot and ignore the previous one. But I think that's fate. You see, out of so many people to have photobombed you, it is that random stranger, the person who is there at the right place, right moment, in that mere fraction of a second when you snap a photo. That's something amazing, isn't it?"

A levels is finally over and as I was navigating around the web, I saw something to share. :D
Indeed, i found it true that photography is something which enhances our lives, making us more appreciative of what we do not cherish in the past. This is his passion for photography, what's yours?

-posted by Kenny Tay