Thursday, January 27, 2011


Anyone fancy a drink?

In case you were lazy to click on the link to eBay (or if the link has expired), the cost of the cup at the time of writing is USD$609.

It also has the following prouct highlights:
This is the world's first and only lens cup made out of a real $1,300 USD Canon 300mm f/4 L lens, as seen on the DigitalRev TV YouTube channel. It's a full metal pro-grade L lens construction with a thoroughly rugged body that is unlike any of those cheapo plastic lens cups. 100% of the sale proceed goes to help Australian flood victims. Bid from $1 with no reserve price.

Features include:
- Made from 100% authentic Canon lens by Kai W of DigitalRev TV.
- Extendable in-built hood for reducing flaring and improving contrast of your drinks.
- EOS mount. Attaches to any of the Canon EOS SLR or DSLRs.
- Tripod mount. It can be mounted to a tripod for easy hands-free consumption of drinks.
- Manual-focus override, which is totally useless as the Autofocus doesn't work.
- Did have UD elements for preventing aberrations.
- Ultrasonic motor (not working) for stirred not shaken beverages.
- Comes with official Canon protective carrying case and original packaging.
- Signed by Kai & Lok (from DigitalRev TV), although please state if you wish to have your lens cup scribble-free.