Friday, March 7, 2008


With a blink of the eye, it's March already! Golly... Time really waits for no man... (but I woman leh. hey, WAIT!!!!) Just when you think you just had your first meeting with the club, then POOOF! you're running for EXCO already.

The mention of EXCO elections just makes me excited. Hehehehe...
As I was telling Cherish today- the job of a senior is very simple =P
Only need to do a few things:
1. Bully your junior
2. Tekan your junior
3. Think as many ways to tekan your junior as possible.

But lucky kids, you all dont have seniors who chase you down to pinch...
Or call you kuching...

Oh well, although I'm not part of the club anymore, I still find the elections highly interesting. Mainly because the juniors have such brilliant ideas, and their statements are sometimes highly entertaining. For me, at least.

And yes, I asked Kingston whether he wants to form a Photography Club Alumni today. He asked me to set one up. (sighs, people say 'once a saikang warrior, always a saikang warrior'.) He said once boys cut their hair in NS will become stupid. Shave already, 60% intelligence gone, wear helmet 40% gone. By then, become idiot already. THEN HE STILL WANT BE PRESIDENT! -.-|||