Friday, April 24, 2009

Words for the turned down soul

I know the results are out. Not the results for GCE A-Level Exam or who won the American Idol ( wat season is it now ? ) It’s the result of who among our cute little J1s are in the Exco.

I personally do not know who's in or who's out. But what I know for sure is that some will be in sadness and anguish because they are not accepted into the Exco that they so wanted to serve. Yes I know some will be jumping with joy because they got into the Exco but this post is targeted at those who did not make it. So pls as I excuse myself to comfort those with "hurt" souls.

Those who did not make it, don’t be sad. Its not that you aren't good enough. It’s just that they are others who are better for the job. You all are one of the best lots we ever had and I am sure your seniors have a hard time choosing from the bunch of you. We would very much like to have as much of you in the Exco, lets say like 3 president, 6 VPs , 5 QM etc. But we can't because it will degrade our efficiency. Hence, we could only choose the best man for the job.

If those who know me personally, they would know that I was not in the Exco when I was in MJC Photog. I at that time would very much wanted to be in the Exco but for some reasons, I was not. When the results of those accepted into the exco were announced, I was sad. Very sad in fact. My dreams I thought at that time of making a difference in the club was shattered. I thought that I would only be one of those during my time who were just slacking off their time in MJC Photog. But I was wrong.

I soon realize that as a member, I get to choose how much I want to be involved. Unlike the Exco who have duties to perform, as a member you can choose what you want to do. You do not have to go for meetings that last forever. You don't even have to be lectured by Mr Cheng every time. How great is that. On top of it, you will definitely have more time to do what you want and if you are really enthu like me, you can offer as much service as you want to wherever you wish.

Myself, I like to shoot events. So, I would gladly volunteer myself to shoot any event that needs to be covered. I was shooting so much that I learned a lot more and faster than the others. The Exco in comparison were so caught up in their duties that they hardly got time to shoot. I was so ahead that I was even asked to teach.

Being in the Exco, definitely has its benefits. As an Exco, you are given a role and the responsibility to carry out your task effectively. But it all depends how much you want to put in. Even if are a Exco and you decided to just slack off and let others do the work for you, you are as good as any other member if not worse. I decided that I want to do a lot more. I can still make a difference despite not being a Exco and there are very good example like Chin Chye.

To the new Exco, Congratulations :) You are embarking on a whole new Journey which will bring all of you guys through thick and thin together. You will learn a lot and of course have lots of fun. But pls don't forget the rest of the members in the club. Elliot has left a legacy behind of getting the members involved. Pls continue his legacy. To Elliot I give you my applause :)