Lemme tell you all some old grandma story which is totally random, which you may zone out halfway but nehmind.
How Grandma Eunice Met Grandpa Kingston.
Sounds wrong. But whatever, that's wad you guys called us for a period of time...
Our Photog family tree very luan leh. PPC is our Papa Cheng, which makes it incest, Ms Koh is my "gan ma" (godma) and MRT is my "gan die"(godpa) which I once called playfully during an outing with them, then Ms Koh also called MRT "gan die", which makes it even more confusing. And then there's the "kids" (a collective term we use to describe the young 'uns, but some other CCA teachers didn't get it -.-) and the grandkids... And Auntie Chue... Confused.
Back to how I met King...
Stop fantasizing whatever you were thinking of. Half the time he gave a DL face the first time I saw him. Well, it was at O2! I went to shoot with Soon Ying and Pres at Sentosa with the D100 in my Chung Cheng shirt! No wonder he got pissed =P Sitting there all bored and not enjoying the event at all (because, half the time we were waiting for late comers) and a girl in her sec sch t-shirt was sashaying in front of him with a Nikon D100... XD
Yes, he was quite irritated, I chop plus confirmed that much later. I didn't know he was Kingston that time la, the more he give me DL face, the more I took his photo =D
I'm sure the photos are somewhere in the club archives if you look hard enough, unfortunately, I didn't keep them.
Until after all the leaders elections were over, we all got into office, then did I slowly realised that the guy with the DL face at O2 was him!! Dorts... ok... A bit whatever-dun-really-care-la.
So this is the first event I shot on my first (wait, second?) day at JAE MJC. Cool right.