Sunday, February 22, 2009


Welcome to all the J1s who got through the interview and made it through the selection process into the Photography Club!

I think we're the first photography club in all the junior colleges in Singapore which is so popular that an interview is needed! PHOTOG!

Anyways, I just want to say that photography requires most importantly the passion, perseverence and heart.

Passion > to loan out camera and shootshootshoot!

Perseverance > to understand the jargon first (which I initially disliked but got used to! ^_^v)

Heart > to derive a higher purpose and deeper meaning in your photos.

I think one of my turning points after joining the club was when I consciously forced myself before taking each photo to consider what I wanted to show in it. And I found talking to seniors, alumni, and Chin Chye (ahaha the jin zai in our batch :D) very helpful.

I remember picking up various styles of shooting because I was quite blur about how to shoot. Yeah, lame right? But true, I even tried out Robert's take-glance-slickdeletemotion and when I first learned how the histogram worked, I'd take-analyse-the-graph-retake-analysethegraphandpicturedifference and so on and so forth. Eventually, I developed a 'style' I was comfortable with.

To get there, most importantly deardeardear juniors, practice. It's the only way.

I remember realising this after I asked the senior exco members [and Eunice (who had to explain x 100, arigato x 100) and Kingston and Chin Chye and Jun Sen ^_^] spamming technical FAQ a lot. Then I realised that my brain had lots of holes and the only way I could process the information, even the simplest ones, was to slow the process down. This I did by taking the learning very slowly, and experimenting with the camera each time I learnt something new.

[Come to think of it, despite being able to use Manual on the camera (relatively slowly), I keep forgetting whether the + and - of exposure compensation = lighter/darker! Haha, then everytime need to trial and error first :P]

So yep, this is my supposed-to-be-one-paragraph welcoming post to the J1s! I hope you all learn from the club, and though you may love photography now, I hope you would come to love it even more. I hope you will also eventually develop a very BIGBIGHUGEHUGE love for the MJC Photography Club... I have. <3

P.s. To all J1s reading this (non-members cause I know our members are all responsible people) please be puntual for your mugshots class slot. Thank you!