Saturday, July 12, 2008

Time Slip

Wooo....yay... now i can update the blog too... hehe^^

Ahh..I finally managed to go develop my that old roll of slide..damn.. it was sure hard to use finish one roll... anyways, lame spasitc talk aside...(damn... i sound like i'm talking to myself) pictures!! haha...

Trip to OCH

2 lao jiaos trying to look cool..heh..

Jun Sen having tons of fun..heh..

More people trying to have a ton of fun..heh..

Group shot!! - on a 14mm and the passer by said,"so near can meh??"..heh..

Yay!! Finally got a decent shot of the illusive Xiuqi..heh..
(Bet she'll prepare the broom for me next time..)


Mel trying to take a bite on my wallet..heh..chew on it!

The Damn Long Outing Day 1 Reccee

No parking? Heh...


Old Skool..heh..

Ohh well, I hope everyone had fun today, during the damn long outing...though quite a number of people refused to entertain me, I can entertain myself^^ (ablit quite poorly) hehe. Wheeeeeeee...