Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dear Mr OPR (Old Photog Room),

I don't think you really ever knew me and I don't think I really ever knew you, since we barely saw much of each other (figuratively). You were like the milkman who leaves milk outside my door every morning but never got the chance to know each other, which is weird, but since everyone's leaving their last messages, -tear stain-I thought I should do one too.

My memories of you are far and few between, but nevertheless, I have never forgotten them even though they might not have been the most pleasant -___-" namely, having to play catching with He Who Shall Not Be Named and She Who Shall Not Be Named, which sucked 'cos there wasn't any where to run and I always got caught and had to suffer the consequences. Yes Mr OPR, where heaven was to the others, you were like a torture chamber of endless pinchee pinchees to me. -tear stain-

However, stepping beyond your doors was kinda fun too. Opening the door to the OPR was like opening a Mystery Box in Pet Society because you never really know what's inside it (literally). At times, you were so elusive that I once opened the wrong door and nearly got lost in the mugger's fish tank -tear stain-

I never got to see those cockroach friends whom I heard so much about, though I'm sure they're on their way to their new home now. -tear stain- So all the best Mr OPR, I'm sure you'll have many more memories with your new residents -tear stain- and I wish you all the best. I once dreamt that you were swallowed by a tsunami, so please take care of yourself.

Yours Sincerely,
The Squirrel. -tear stain-