Thursday, March 12, 2009

A warm feeling...

Recently felt a little bit overwhelmed with work...

Many students, when they saw my timetable, will often remark "Wah so many free periods..." But what they failed to realized were that teachers have many other 'invisible' duties and work to be done.

So just as I was working on a proposal on the club, I took a short break and went to Facebook. One of the JC1s requested me to add him as a friend and which I did. Normally I don't bother about the photo albums of other people but this one caught my attention because it was titled 'Photog Outing (6th March 2009)'.

I clicked on the albums and these were what I saw...

Interesting photographs...

But what really made me glad were these...

Seeing these images just warm my heart.

Images of happy faces as they explore photography. It doesn't matter whether the image is technically flawed or perfect. What mattered was the subject.

Seeing these images reminded me that at the end of the day, what really matters to me is the development of students and not the number of exhibitions, projects or funds that we can raise. All these (exhibitions, projects, funds) will come (of course with some considerable hard work) when the students are developed.

And suddenly, I felt a little bit of joy creeping into my heart and the gloominess of the night just dissipated and I went about finishing up the proposal...

Hopefully I will get to spent more time with this batch before the election for exco starts...