Friday, August 15, 2008

Chapter 2

Hello! This is Elliot's first time blogging. How exciting!

Yepyep!! See this Chapter thing works!! First Angeline, then Elliot, next one....

Robert's light is blinding my eyes. Why can't he just rent a studio outside of school like any other good photographer?


Elliot does not do italics.

Ya but Vicky is a character to behold. BOW DOWN ELLIE!! You know you want to. :)

Elliot bows to no man. But he trembles before women in general. Okay la *bow*. Some may not know this, but I am the modern day Darcy.

What. WHAT. WHAT. WHATWHATWHAT. No ewww no noo nononononno the imagery!!! It buuurrrrnnnsss!!!!

Well, nevertheless, my charms and self-pride is enough to convince me that I am Modern-Day-Darcy. Handsome, tall, rich and totally self-disillusioned.

*fumes* *takes a deep breath* *calms*
^_^v at least you bowed!!

Chivalry is not dead after all. In fact, my presence in the club room speaks wonders of it. Come, may I show you the door? After you (:

HELLO AGAIN!! JUST had a break visiting Shirleen's blog for the first time!!1 Zomg so farny, I shall bookmark it.

Farny? Farny is the weirdest word I have ever seen. Stop outraging my modest tea.

We're off to rehearsals now, tera!
